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Medical ASIC Platform regrouping NFC/RFID and a set of in-vitro diagnostic environmental sensors front-end

Discover Hugin, key design blocks can be packed into a single silicon circuit to feature RFID connectivity, 
extremely low-power analog sensor acquisition and calibration, and unmatched security for 
personal/patient data.


Fully wireless ASIC with potentiostat

On top of its NFC and RFID capabilities, and the embedded and versatile potentiostat frontends, this IP Platform can facilitate 
highly compact systems for electrochemical measurements, targeting Healthcare, Industrial and Instrumentation 

Programmable potentiostat IP block

The programmable analog sequencer performs multiple voltammetry and amperometry potentiostat measurements:


  • Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV)

  • Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)

  • Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)

  • Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)

  • Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)

  • Chronoamperometry (CA)


Accelerate your time-to-market


Are you about to start with a portable potentiostat measurement system? 
Compared with others, the Hugin platform enables a small, low-cost and low-power system integrated on a single chip. 
Thanks to this platform it’s easier, faster and more effective to make your prototype; it can be tailored through firmware to your specific needs.



Hugin can be used to design a broad range of application domains including the highly-demanding Industrial and Medical markets. It performs complex data sampling sequences, validation and data logging in battery-operated systems. It offers wireless powering as well for battery-less operation and secure data upload through NFC readers and generates a simple link to cloud data storage. 




Diagnostic and patient monitoring

  • In vitro diagnostics

  • Suitable for in-situ tests

  • Biological and chemical sensing

  • Detect the presence of disease, virus or infection

  • Help cure, treat, or prevent diseases

  • Encryption of sample data (AES-128)




Production Automation

  • Electrochemical measurements

  • Temperature monitoring

Logistics and Transport

  • Temperature control

  • Air quality and gas sensing 


Production Infrastructure

  • Used inside closed containers

  • Reduce the risk of cross-contamination 


Safety, Wireless Communication

  • Biologically isolated units

  • Pathogens and toxins

  • Ensures the safety of the user 


Want to know the technical description? Download it now!